Super Wallet is your electronic wallet. You don't need to remember all your passwords, numbers, urls. Just remember one password. Super Wallet will help you to save all your important information like credit card number, expiry date, cvc number, passwords, web site urls and other information like driving license number etc on your mobile. All the information will be stored in a encrypted form so it will be safe.
Super Wallet ist Ihre elektronische Geldbörse. Sie müssen sich nicht alle Passwörter, Nummern und URLs merken. Erinnern Sie sich einfach an ein Passwort. Super Wallet hilft Ihnen dabei, alle wichtigen Informationen wie Kreditkartennummer, Ablaufdatum, Cvc-Nummer, Kennwörter, Website-URLs und andere Informationen wie Führerscheinnummer usw. auf Ihrem Handy zu speichern. Alle Informationen werden verschlüsselt gespeichert, so dass sie sicher sind.
Super Wallet is your electronic wallet. You don't need to remember all your passwords, numbers, urls. Just remember one password. Super Wallet will help you to save all your important information like credit card number, expiry date, cvc number, passwords, web site urls and other information like driving license number etc on your mobile. All the information will be stored in a encrypted form so it will be safe.